Teen Relationship Workbook


Product Number : TWR-9

The Teen Relationship Workbook
For Professionals Helping Teens to Develop Healthy
Relationships and Prevent Domestic Violence

by Kerry Moles, CSW; illustrated by Amy Leutenberg Brodsky, LISW 

Here is an invaluable resource for professionals working to help teens develop healthy relationships. This workbook includes 68 reproducible worksheets that give adolescents an opportunity to look at healthy and unhealthy aspects of relationships; determine what constitutes abuse in an intimate relationship; clarify their feelings about gender roles; evaluate social influences; and make positive decisions about their own relationships. Although it can be used with all teens, it is intended primarily for those who are at risk of becoming either perpetrators or victims of relationship abuse—including teens who have witnessed domestic violence and may be perpetuating unhealthy patterns without realizing it.

Spiralbound for easy photocopying, this workbook also offers reproducible handouts. It is an excellent way to help break the cycle of domestic violence.